Versicolor series on Google Play

No posts in almost a year. Good grief!
We recently released a new series of icons called Versicolor. They are a chiclet style, based off Tersus. Each icon has a custom color ring which is engineered to match the icon content. We also offer a few static color band sets that wrap each icon in a specific color set-wide. Of course, the set also comes with a brand new set of wallpapers. These were crafted specifically for the icon set.
We also recently went through a major update push for all of our Phlash themes. They now all include over 1600 icons! Quite the library available at your fingertips and ready for your customization needs. Check all of them out on our Google Play storefront.
We apologize about our lack of updates here. We’ve been super busy working on the 2.0 dashboard which recently was re-designed. Yep, a re-design before release. The dashboard is now in a limited beta and will be making its way in limited release to our signature themes. As always, stay tuned.