Updates (schedule)

Over the past three days we’ve pushed out updates for all our current themes on the market. This has brought the total count of icons up over 620+ included! And we’ve got over 100 more coming soon in the next update that we are pushing out.
I thought I’d take a quick minute to outline the update plan. This week was the first round of updates, which added just under one hundred icons to the already teaming icon set we current offer. In 2-3 weeks we’ll be releasing an additional update which has the rest of the newly minted icons.
Right after that update, within the next week, I’ll be pushing out the final update in this round which will switch over 50 of the misc. icons to auto-themed. At the same time, I’ll be taking a look at the current state of device overlays and make sure that we’re covering all the stock system apps for all the different phone skins.
I know that these updates don’t nearly cover all the apps that people use and as always, please please please send emails with the missing apps so we know which ones to add to Tha Phlash’s queue. Thanks!