5 stars on Google Play

DomoGoogle Play5

What is a theme dashboard?

All of our themes come with a built-in dashboard. From our app, you’ll be able to apply the icons quickly to the launcher of your choice. Want to search for a specific icon? You can do that too. Check out this video tour of our dashboard.


We put a lot of care into making sure that this theme looks fantastic. It lives and breathes on its own, delivering a crisp style that definitely sets your phone apart from all those other devices. The biggest feature of our themes are the icons, which have a personality of their own. We back those up with other eye candy such as carefully curated wallpapers and complimenting UI features, such as launcher docks and other visual aspects where allowed.


Our goal with the theme is to not only deliver a fantastic visual experience, but a great user experience as well. That’s why all of our themes include a dashboard to guide you through all that we offer. You’ll notice an icon in the app drawer (which can be hidden if you want) that will bring you right to a panel of options. Following the latest Android design guidelines, we make sure you can find everything we offer in one easy-to-use location.


There is a lot of choices for Android users when it comes to home launchers, which is the app that holds your widgets and app shortcuts. While they all offer different feature sets and visual differences, you can bring a unity to your experience by using our theme with them. For maximum compatibility, we recommend Nova Launcher or Action Launcher.


The world of Android launchers is constantly shifting and growing. You can be assured that this theme will always stay compatible with the launcher it was created for. The same goes for the icon set. Newer, more popular apps are being released all the time and we’ll continue to add icons to support them.

kovdev has done it again with their new set, Domo. Top quality icons, coupled with excellent wallpapers and an innovative dashboard make this a must have. You will not find a more responsive developer in the play store, they are constantly providing updates for all their icon packs. Buy it now!

Nicholas M.

Not only has kovdev managed to lift the bar with another great icon set, they managed to create something truly unique with DOMO. As a follow up to great sets NOX and LUMOS, DOMO manages to be unique & new, but still give the user a feeling that this set just looks like it belongs. What comes next for kovdev? Who knows, cause I am too busy admiring the beauty that is DOMO.

Brett B.