AndroidPhone7 Unleashed!

I randomly saw a tweet the other day of someone who had been using the previous version of this ADW theme that I had released. It was the ‘android phone 7’ theme that was featured on which I had created in a fit of rage due to the comments on about how ADW was incapable of themes while LP wasn’t. Obviously, this commotion had fueled me into a nerd rage that resulted in a theme for ADW users boasting more features then the initial version had for LP.
Long story short, I’ve finally put this ‘theme’ onto the market for people to easily have access to. The dock is now more symmetrical then the initial source image I had borrowed from and it works with the latest ADW update. I’ve always included a new default wallpaper instead of the solid black, although the original is still available in the provided gallery. New to this version is the icon pack which includes metro style icons for use in the dock. I think they provide the remainder of the needed look for the homescreen.
I don’t see much work needed to maintain this aside from possible additions to the icon pack. It’s meant to be low impact and only provide style for the homescreen and not the icons (aside from dock). Anyways, check it out!